index file template


With actions, add interactions to your projects

Actions can be added to:

  • scenes items & 3d model meshes
  • UI overlays items
  • state engine states
  • modules such as the QR code / barcode readers

Available actions

Change sceneSwitch to another scene
Restart scene timelineRestart the current scene timeline
Pause scene timelinePause the current scene timeline, also pause all audios & videos
Resume scene timelineResume the current scene timeline, also resume playback of audios & videos
Change overlayDisplay another scene overlay, or remove the current overlay
Play model animationPlay an animation from a model that contains animations. At the end of the animation playback, you can choose to switch to another state
Pause model animationsPause all the animations from the selected model
Play basic animationAnimate a mesh from a model with a simple animation: scale up/down, pulse, rotate clockwise, rotate anticlockwise
Stop basic animationStop all basic animation on the selected mesh
Play audioPlay an audio file from the assets library
Stop audio(s)Stop the playback of an audio file
Play videoPlay a video from the composition scene
Pause video(s)Pause the selected video from the composition scene
Stop video(s)Stop the selected video from the composition scene
Change materialApply the selected material on the selected 3d model mesh
Set material colorChange the color of the selected material
Recenter compositionRecenter the composition in front of the user, only available when using 3 DOF tracking
Reset user position & rotationRecenter the composition in front of the user, only available when using 6 DOF tracking
JS API actionSend a message to the XR+ Javascript & CSS API

Only available on scene and overlays items:

Media pop upopen a modal pop up with text & image
Share on social mediasShare experience on social platforms, messaging apps, email, SMS…

Only available in states engine:

Timer => switch to a stateSet an timer alarm, when the alarm is triggered, switch to another state
Play basic animationAnimate a 3d model mesh with a simple animation: scale up/down, pulse, rotate clockwise, rotate anticlockwise
Stop basic animationStop all basic animation on the selected mesh
Show composition itemsUnhide the selected items from a composition scene
Hide composition itemsHide the selected items from a composition scene
Show model meshesUnhide the selected meshes from a composition scene
Hide model meshesHide the selected meshes from a composition scene

When to use the States engine?

If you need to trigger multiple actions at once like: change scene, then hide an item, then wait 3s, then change overlay… Then use a state from the states engine

States engine

Complex actions sequences can be made with the ‘States engine‘, by switching between states.

A state is made of one or several actions. Use states when you need to trigger multiple actions at once like: change scene, then hide an item, then wait 3 seconds, then change overlay…

When a project switches to a new state, all actions from the new state are applied in a top to bottom order.

There are many different actions, such as:
change scene, change overlay, hide / show an item, play an animation, play a sound effect, change a color.

States actions

See ‘actions’ section for the full list of all available XR+ studio actions.

Tip: multiple states can be chained with a timer action, to switch to another state after a fixed amount of time.


You can follow this step by step tutorial to practice using the states engine

States engine tutorial