Javascript/CSS XR+ API

The XR+ javascript API let developpers add front-end functionalities that do not exist in XR+, it also allows for a deeper UI / screens customization.

How it works?

The API is a project module to enable in the studio

The API allows javascript file and CSS files to be loaded in the <body> of the project web document, with the usual <script> and <style> tags.

You must host those files, they are not hosted by XR+.

We provide a simple example – a javascript class – on how we recommend to communicate with the XR+ elements of the experience.

You can register and listen to particular events such as when the experience starts, or when an image marker is found/lost.

You can also setup your own events with the XR+ studio action editor. By doing so you can trigger an action on a composition item to call a function you have defined in your script.

download the javascript API class example

Libraries included in the core project js code

Those libraires are loaded by all projects and ready to use with the API:

Javascript reference

considering: var XRAPI = new XRAPI_V1({});

XRAPI.getIsLibraryLoaded();check if project library is fully loadedboolean
XRAPI.getIsStarted();check if experience already startedboolean
XRAPI.getThreejsScene();get threejs scenethreejs scene
XRAPI.getCompositionItemByName(“my item name”);get a composition item threejs root object by its namethreejs object
XRAPI.getCompositionParent();get parent off all threejs objects on the scenethreejs object
XRAPI.getDesktopScreenDomElement();get web dom element: desktop screendom element
XRAPI.getLoadingScreenDomElement();get web dom element: loading screendom element
XRAPI.getStartScreenDomElement();get web dom element: start screendom element
XRAPI.getMainScreenDomElement();get web dom element: main screendom element
XRAPI.goToScene(index);change scene. Use index 1 for the first scene
XRAPI.goToState(index);change state. Use index 1 for the first state
XRAPI.goToStateByUid(uid);change state. Pass state uid as parameter

Using three.js

the three.js library is currently available at the global scope ( but may only be available as a module import in future updates ).

You can use it directly this way:

const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 ); ...


for questions regarding the API, email us at:

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